Why Online Gaming Is Popular These Days

NetShop ISP
4 min readFeb 29, 2020


Yearly, millions of people are addicted to online-based gaming. The online gamers comprise of almost 50% of the entire online users worldwide. With this trend, it can be inferred that online gaming is so popular these days. There are clear factors why it’s been happening.

There is a perception that online games are able to reduce the stress level that is related to work. It is a de-stressing process that is also called as “escapism.” But the question now is: Why are more people addicted to web gaming instead of watching television programs or movies to escape from problems?

Gaming has a social aspect, so to speak. Try to think of those times when you call some of your friends to come to your house so that you can play card games or any form of games together. But this personal gaming encounter was evident in the past. Nowadays, the medium has transformed as there is no need to have a personal encounter. Gaming these days can be done using the Internet. And this is the advent of online gaming where two or more players can play any type of game.

Reasons Why Online Gaming Is Popular

There are 5 reasons why gaming through the use of the Internet has become so popular these days.

  1. Internet connectivity

It is the most obvious factor. Without the Internet, there is no gaming on the web. When the Internet has become a necessity, the overall experience of the gamers has also shifted and transformed. And the continuous technology advancement has opened the opportunity for online gamers to explore more and deeper things. When there is fast internet connectivity, it can be great for online players as they can fully engage into various online games.

  1. A Matter of Choice

Playing games online is a matter of choice. You can remember the old days when the racing or console games were popular. There were also some fighting games in the past which people were addicted to. Remember the popularity of Super Mario and Nintendo back then? Today, you can still play them but there is another twist with the system those games were played back then. It’s a matter of choice now as the choices are numerous due to the abundance of games as provided by the different gaming providers on the Internet. You can surely have the unlimited access to a number of games in different levels, graphics, and genres. And today, you just have to download the app of your favorite web-based games.

  1. Wider Accessibility

Back then, weekly bingo was popular. This kind of game can be considered as one of the predecessors of the present-day bingo gaming through online. The players of the weekly bingo should travel from one place to another in order to participate in some pre-arranged tournaments. But the past bingo was superseded by the modern online bingo. The principles might be the same as before but due to wider accessibility, more and more people have been attracted to play bingo through the use of their personal computers or smartphones. There is no need to go to a physical place just to play bingo. Stay at home or wherever you are, whether you’re in a workplace or in a vacation area, you can enjoy bingo the usual way but through the Internet.

  1. Social Relationship Building

With the advent of playing games on the web, you can have the chance to build a strong social relationship with other people. You can know a lot of people, to say the least. And because there is a wider access to the Internet nowadays, the venue for virtual interaction is wider too. Unlike before when you just need to call some of your friends to come to your house to play cards with you, or to play another form of social gaming, these days you can just use your laptop or Android phone to play games with your friends.

  1. Multi-Player Capabilities

It can be an intriguing matter to consider a game where certain players are able to compete in a game together with a number of other players. But today, you can simply do it. A lot of players can engage in a single game wherein a group of players can set a plan to complete the goals and mission of one particular online game. The games allowed for multiple players are highly sociable and interactive.

But there are still some precautionary measures that you have to impose to yourself or to some of your loved ones who are addicted to online gaming. There are research findings that point out the responsibility of parents to take care of their young ones when it comes to gaming online. Safety and security remain the two of the most essential things that have to be prioritized. Online gaming’s popularity can’t be stopped but their adverse impact to the players, particularly to the teenagers and young adults, should be mitigated.

Contact NetShop ISP today for more related details about online gaming.



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NetShop ISP

Written by NetShop ISP

Web Hosting, Servers, Colocation & Data Center Services (www.netshop-isp.com.cy)

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