Advantages of Offshore Hosting vs. other popular hosting locations
Choosing your hosting location is something that needs careful consideration, and although it may be tempting to go for the cheapest or most prevalent location, your circumstances and requirements are what really determine the best hosting location for you.
In this article we’ll take a look at the advantages of offshore hosting in comparison to other popular hosting locations.
What is Offshore Hosting
Offshore web hosting really is exactly what it sounds like — hosting your website in a different country to the one that you live or operate in. You may be thinking that hosting your website in another country is pretty common — but it’s generally only considered offshore hosting when there’s a specific reason for you to be hosting there, like anonymity, privacy laws or other reasons related to the content you’re hosting, for example.
When it comes to where you choose to host your website, location really does matter. There are a lot of popular hosting locations and offshore hosting has some huge advantages. Here are some benefits of offshore web hosting.
Benefits of Offshore Hosting
One of the biggest reasons people decide to host their website offshore is the desire to remain anonymous. An ideal offshore hosting location will have a commitment to anonymity and strong privacy laws in place to protect your identity, like the Netherlands, for example.
DMCA Content
Following on from that point, as we already mentioned, the content that you’ll be hosting may be a big reason to opt for offshore hosting. A good offshore hosting location is one that is committed to freedom of speech, where the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is somewhat ignored and laws are in favor of confidentiality — making it less likely for your site to be forcibly taken down due to controversial content.
One obvious reason that website owners opt to host their websites offshore is that it may be cheaper. If you live somewhere where hosting services are expensive, opting for offshore hosting may simply be a cost-effective solution for you. If you’re also seeking to establish a business presence at your offshore hosting location, choosing somewhere with an attractive taxation system and promising business opportunities, like Cyprus, is ideal.
No matter where your server is located, you’re going to want the peace of mind of knowing that it’s in a safe and secure location. A prime offshore hosting location is one which is safe from natural disasters and therefore poses little risk of connectivity issues and power outages, like Malta, for example.
Close to your customers
Another big advantage of offshore hosting is that it allows you to host your website closer to your customers. If you’re based in the UK but your customer-base is mainly in Asia, hosting your website in Singapore will improve performance, reduce latency and ultimately offer your customers a better experience.
If you want to read more about the most popular Web Hosting locations in 2021, visit our website here.
NetShop ISP’s Popular Hosting Locations
NetShop ISP has privately-owned infrastructure in many popular hosting locations including Cyprus, Malta, the United Kingdom, Los Angeles, Singapore, Hong Kong and the Netherlands.
We’re proud to offer a range of Data Center and Hosting Services at various global destinations. For more information on our services and locations, please get in touch with our team.